SABMAG Vermont 7-JUNE-2002

Bob Amadon does an emergency bandage job on Greg Mahunic's Magna after he blows a fork seal.

Maggots meeting at the Vermont County Store on route 103. L to R Pete Leahy, Robin Leahy, Mike 'Alf' Alofsin
Mike 'Alf' Alofsin sitting on Pete Leahy's '83 Magna on the road to the top of Okemo Mountain
View from the top of Okemo Mountian. Pretty nice eh?
Pete and Robin Leahy arriving a few minutes after a nasty drop incident on the way up the mountian.
Stopping for lunch on Saturday. L to R Bob Amadon, Bob Peloquin, Pete Leahy, Robin Leahy
Zimjeff chillin on the front porch. 
Bob Amadon and Bryan 'Zaphod' Lendroth going over the route prior to Saturday's ride.
Zimbob and Bob Hooper checking out the Pelican's ST
Maggots at the top of Okemo Mountain.

 L to R Pete Leahy, Mike 'Alf' Alofsin, Greg Mahunik, Bob Amadon, Sean Votier

Robin and Pete Leahy at the top of Okemo
Bonfire on Saturday night.
Sean's Magna. ain't she purdy?
Bob Peloquin telling the story of Rindercella.
Mike 'Alf' Alofsin waving for the camera at Saturday's lunch stop.
Bryan Lendroth lookin good in his Sabmag tee.
Stop for a rest and animated discussion at the top of the Buel's Gore section known as Rte. 17, 
More pics from the top of Buel's Gore
Even more pics from the top of Buel's Gore
Maggots at the top of the mountain on Saturday evening. shortly after the three mile dirt road ride to the top.
John Haydt and Bob Hooper at the mountain top. 
Pete Staniforth and Bryan Lendroth
Quick, get the marshmallows!
Bob's Family and Maggots at the mountain top.
Fire, good.
More fire and the few remaining bikes. Some riders took off because they didn't want to ride down the mountain in the dark.

(Do I have to say more?)

Saturday lunch stop.   L to R Greg Mahunic, Bob Hooper, Zimbob, Zimjeff
More fire, fire good.